Newsletter no 23
August 17, 2023
Paraparaumu School

Dear families and friends of our school
Congratulations to our students that competed in the Mastermind Competition run by Paraparaumu Library at the Raumati Bowling Club on Friday. This was the first time we had students taking part in the competition. Students had to read 14 titles from the NZ Children’s Book Awards and answer questions. We did really well with the Junior Y5/6 team coming fourth, and the Senior team Y7/8 coming fifth.
Welcome to all the new students that have started this term.
Kahu, Xandy, Zena, Lachlan, Kuupa, Savannah—Rm 4. Evie—Rm 2. Violet—Rm 10, Freya—Rm 13, Shanen—Room 9, Axel & Dex—Room11.
It is vital that children do not arrive at school until AFTER 8:30am. Classrooms and the playground are not supervised until this time and we cannot ensure their safety.
Nga mihi nui ki a koutou – warm regards to you all.
Steven Caldwell
Student of the week – 4
Noah Harris Room 12 Year 5
Noah, you are such a shining star in our class. I love that you love learning and the way you give everything your best effort at all times. You like to be challenged and will persevere with a tricky problem until you have solved it. You always participate in class discussions and activities with positivity and respect. You are a wonderful friend and are helpful and kind to everyone you meet. You have such a great sense of humour and sense of fun but you also know when it’s time to be serious. You impress me every day with your creativity, determination and quiet confidence. Thank you for all your effort, smiles, beautiful pictures and cheeky jokes. We love having you in Room 12!
Student of the week – 5
Noah Harris Room 12 Year 5
Noah, you are such a shining star in our class. I love that you love learning and the way you give everything your best effort at all times. You like to be challenged and will persevere with a tricky problem until you have solved it. You always participate in class discussions and activities with positivity and respect. You are a wonderful friend and are helpful and kind to everyone you meet. You have such a great sense of humour and sense of fun but you also know when it’s time to be serious. You impress me every day with your creativity, determination and quiet confidence. Thank you for all your effort, smiles, beautiful pictures and cheeky jokes. We love having you in Room 12!
Calendar Art is now available for purchase until Monday August 28th – check out the amazing art your child has created!
Follow these instructions to place your order online:
1. Go to
2. Use the Entrance Code: KZ1996
3. Enter your child’s room & name when prompted (Room 14 children will be under Room 4).
This is another fundraiser for the PTA, and we are grateful for your continued support.
A massive THANK YOU from the PTA for supporting our Quiz night, it was an awesome night, with lots of fun and lots of laughs!
Together with our raffle ticket sales we raised over $2,500!! The winner of our raffle was Kalia Porch.