Newsletter no 15
May 31, 2023
Paraparaumu School
Dear families and friends of our school
Teacher Only Day Friday 2nd June.
Tomorrow, school will be closed for another teacher only day. At present, the New Zealand Curriculum is being refreshed and updated, the first time since 2007. The Ministry of Education has allocated teacher only days for teachers to continue looking at how this will impact education and what we do here for teaching and learning. Can you please make alternative arrangements for your child on this day. Your co-operation is most appreciated.
Student Led conferences: 21st June 1pm—7:45pm (school closes at 12:30); 22nd June 3:15 pm—6:45pm
How to book your student led conference:
All bookings will be done via ETAP app which you should have on your phone.
If you DO NOT have access to the internet or have any problems with the process you can book a conference time by contacting the school office (298 7900) and Jo will book a time for you.
Steven Caldwell
Student of the Week
Rylah-May Pitt-Drummond Room 10 Year 7
Rylah-May… I have had the pleasure of observing your personal and academic growth and development this year and especially this term in our new space. You are quiet and unassuming; kind and considerate; polite and respectful.
You demonstrate a growing sense of self and with that you are feeling confident to take risks and give things a go. You thoughtfully contribute to discussions we are having about our learning and respectfully listen to the views of others.
You are a very good friend.
You are blossoming Rylah-May and we are so fortunate to have you in our class.
Congratulations to our Whiz Kids | Room | P.A.R.T Certificates |
Ayah | 1 | Micheal |
Jaxon | 3 | Myka |
Kyahn | 3 | Javahn |
Zella | 4 | Tommy |
Bohdi | 5 | Cori’lee |
Layla | 6 | Ruby |
Eva | 7 | Corin |
Abel | 8 | Danica |
Ella | 9 | All of Rm9 |
Edith | 10 | All of Rm10 |
Jono | 11 | All of Rm11 |
Noah | 12 | Ana |
Thank you for your ongoing support for this PTA fundraising activity – it allows us to continue to cover the ever increasing bus costs for class trips. We need to make a couple of changes:
- Due to price increases at Dominos, we need to increase our prices to $2.20 a slice for both pepperoni and cheese pizzas.
- Donna Smith will soon be working Friday mornings and there is no one else on the PTA available at that time. The PTA has decided to move the cut off for orders to 6pm Thursday, so she can process it that evening instead. This will take effect from the start of June.
Your Content Goes Here
Please keep collecting Yummy Stickers and passing onto your child’s teacher. We can get some amazing sports gear plus the winning class gets a pizza lunch!
Pyjama Day – Friday 30th June
Wear your PJs and donate a gold coin to help raise funds for Ronald McDonald House.
P.A.R.T Focus
“PLAY YOUR PART”. PART of the Family/Kia kotahi tatou was developed from our school being part of the PB4L (Positive Behaviour for Learning) professional development. P.A.R.T is designed to provide an overarching concept that all involved with Paraparaumu School will live by, that includes students, staff and parents and caregivers. It is designed to nurture a positive environment by promoting respectful and caring relationships that support student Hauora, (wellbeing).
For the next three weeks of term we will be focusing on the value of ‘Turangawaewae’. What does this look like? What does this sound like? At home you could have a family chat about what makes each whanau member feel strong and at home.