School Traditions

Annual events which promote family fun, such as the Easter Bonnet Parade, the Flower Show, the Great Bake Off, our “Spring into Summer Fair”, Fun Night, Cultural Evening and Bedtime Stories night.


Then and Now Presentation

2023 PDF
2023 link

House Groups

In 2014 we introduced school House Groups. We have 4 houses at Paraparaumu School, Pohutukawa, Manuka, Rata and Kowhai. At the end of each term we have a “house day”. These are run by staff or our senior year 8 students. For the summer terms we have an outside focus for our House Days, these can include tabloid sports, relay events or student designed activities. During the winter terms we focus on indoor activities, for example, wearable art competitions.

Each House has a distinctive colour, Red for Pohutukawa, Green for Manuka, Yellow for Kowhai and Blue for Rata. Staff, students and parents come dressed in these colours for House Days. Each House has also developed their own chants, so it can get quite noisy. These days are fun filled and staff, students and parents look forward to them each term.

House Groups

In 2014 we introduced school House Groups. We have 4 houses at Paraparaumu School, Pohutukawa, Manuka, Rata and Kowhai. At the end of each term we have a “house day”. These are run by staff or our senior year 8 students. For the summer terms we have an outside focus for our House Days, these can include tabloid sports, relay events or student designed activities. During the winter terms we focus on indoor activities, for example, wearable art competitions.

Each House has a distinctive colour, Red for Pohutukawa, Green for Manuka, Yellow for Kowhai and Blue for Rata. Staff, students and parents come dressed in these colours for House Days. Each House has also developed their own chants, so it can get quite noisy. These days are fun filled and staff, students and parents look forward to them each term.

Easter Bonnet

The Easter Bonnet parade is one of our well established traditions going back a number of years now. Every week before Easter, students and their whanau’s get to work creating their Easter Bonnets. On the Thursday before Good Friday we have the whole school student parades, where the Easter Bonnets can be presented and displayed. Every school year group has a category. We also have categories for our preschool children and parents. The quality and variety of the bonnets produced every year is amazing. We have prizes for each category and the Easter Bunny normally pays a surprise visit and gives out Easter eggs as spot prizes.

Bedtime Stories

One of our most anticipated events on our calendar is our Bedtime Stories Evening. Happens during term 3. Children and their parents come along and are each given a hot chocolate and marshmallows. They then go to the hall where staff, parents and specially invited guests such as Kevin Milne read them a Bedtime story. The selection  of stories chosen to be read are always fun and varied.

Pirate Week

Pirate Week involves all of our new entrants children in Rooms 5 and 2. Our awesome Caretaker Craig dresses up as a friendly Pirate Captain. Children are also given pirate paraphernalia which they love wearing. At 9am and 3pm each day groups of “Pirates” come over with our Captain Pirate Craig to raise and bring down our cool Pirate Flag. There is lots of Pirate music playing and our children love it. Lots of fun!

Flower Show

The Flower Show is an annual event held in Term 4 where the children are given the opportunity to create a floral arrangement. There are different categories for juniors and seniors and their end product is displayed in the hall and judged for 1st, 2nd and 3rd.  Families are given the opportunity to view the show in the afternoon. There is also a family category that can be made at home.

The Great Bake off

The Great Bake off is a fundraising event where the children can bake delicious sweet delights under different categories at home with their family. These are displayed in the hall and judged for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place before they are sold at the end of the day. This event is usually held in Term 2.